Welcome to Allegheny Family Network's
"Caring For Your Child's Mental Wellness"
May 29, 2008 (From 8:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. --- Free Workshop)
University of Pittsburgh, William Pitt Student Union
*Registration Form: (Please register individually on forms.)
Registration Deadline: May 16, 2008
Please Print Clearly:
Name: _______________________________________________________
Family Member: _________Yes______________No
Organization: _________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
City: _____________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________
Phone No.: __________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________
*Registration includes conference materials, continental breakfast and lunch.
Please check for Vegetarian dish:_______
Please email the registration forms to: who@alleghenyfamilynetwork.org
Send the registration form to: Allegheny Family Network, 1945 Fifth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA.
Fax the registration form to: 412-246-0994
For further information, please call: 412.246.2030